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EMFs Deplete Melatonin, and Protective Effects of Melatonin from EMF Harm

EMFs Deplete Melatonin, and Protective Effects of Melatonin from EMF Harm

What do you know about melatonin?  Almost everyone has heard of it, and knows a little bit about it. To most people, it is known as the sleep hormone, because it regulates our day/night circadian rhythm, and induces deep sleep in the absence of external light sources.  However, what most people know about melatonin is just the tip of the iceberg, and the benefits of this endogenous neurohormone go SO much deeper!  Melatonin is also known as N-acetyl-5-methoxytryptamine.  Most of the body’s melatonin is produced in the pineal gland, which is a small gland that resides in the middle of...

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Tips for Air Travel & Road Trips with Blushield

Tips for Air Travel & Road Trips with Blushield

As the holidays approach, even the most well intentioned trip to visit family can turn into a stress-filled mess!  Learn about how high EMF levels can be a major cause of travel stress, and how to utilize EMF protection to make your holiday air travel and road trips much more relaxing and fun.

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EMF Shielding & Faraday Cages

EMF Shielding & Faraday Cages

When it comes to EMF protection, the idea of blocking, or shielding, EMFs is an obvious first thought.  It seems like a simple and straightforward answer, and satisfies our mental need to put a barrier between ourselves and the energy we want to get away from.  In the EMF protection industry, the terms Faraday cages and shields, EMF and RF shields, and protective fabrics and materials have become well known.  How effective are these products for actually protecting our health from the effects of manmade EMF sources?

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Low EMF Cooking Methods

Low EMF Cooking Methods

Let’s talk about all the wonderful appliances we use to cook our food!  Did you know there are some cooking methods that pose little to no threat to our health and the quality of our food, while others literally derange the molecules and destroy nutrients in your food, all while exposing you and your family to harmful levels of radiation?

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Image with a yellow heart and grassy field background that says World EHS Day, Thursday June 16, 2022 -- Let's make the invisible visible!

All About Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity Syndrome

World EHS Day brings awareness to the lives of the "canaries in the coal mine". These are people who are sensitive to the changes in our environment caused by the pervasiveness of man-made electromagnetic frequencies. These folks' symptoms are a sign that something is not right, and we need to use caution not to fill the air with harmful frequencies that wreak havoc on biological systems.

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Artistic depiction of a scalar field

Scalar Energy, Biology, and Consciousness

Transverse waves are not the only energy that makes up each electromagnetic field.  There is also a part of the field called the scalar component, also called a longitudinal wave.

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Photo of chaga mushrooms|Photo of chaga mushrooms|Photo of Shen Blossom freeze dried silver birch chaga|Photo of chaga mushroom tea|Photo of Shen Blossom freeze dried silver birch chaga

Chaga Mushroom’s Protective Effects Against Radiation Exposure

As humans living in modern times, since the advent of cell phones and other forms of wireless communication technology, we are exposed to the highest continuous levels of radiation since the beginning of our species. Many forms of radiation can have damaging effects on the cells, such as ionizing radiation from radioactive components found in nature as well as radiation from medical treatments and nuclear energy technology, and UV radiation from the sun itself. However, the newest, most pervasive and potentially the most harmful source of radiation we are exposed to on a daily basis is non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation. Those...

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Photo of Blushield X1 Pendant, T1 Portable and U1 Portable size comparison

Blushield Portables 101

If you’re looking for a strong portable to protect you from 5G while you’re out and about, it’s likely that one of our new dual band portables will be most ideal for your particular needs. Let’s talk about the differences between our four dual band portables, as well as our classic mono band Premium Portable.

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Artistic image of an astronaut in space with the C1 Ultimate Cube

Lloyd Burrell Interviews Blushield Founder Mark Langdon

Lloyd Burrell from Electric Sense interviews the founder of Blushield EMF protection technology, Mark Langdon. In this interview, Mark explains in-depth what Blushield is doing to protect the body from non-native EMF at the cell level.

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Photo of a young child with a laptop on lap, and shocked look on his face as he looks at the screen

EMFs Are Far More Dangerous to Children: How To Make Sure Your Kids Are Protected

Protecting children is one of the things we are most passionate about, as they are our future!

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